Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Symptoms That Are Hints For Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart bypass surgery is a surgical process to relieve the symptoms of coronary artery disease and angina. This can relieve you from chest pain, reduce fatigue and dependence on medication, increase the ability to exercise, and greatly enhance well-being. These are some listed symptoms which actually hints to appear for heart bypass surgery doctors in Delhi and India. 

Main Causes
1.    Coronary artery bypass surgery is a complex condition which involves clogging of arteries in the heart that bring oxygenated blood into its muscles. But in some cases due to cholesterol or fatty deposition of fatty tissues on the inner walls of the arteries, people experience severe chest pain or angina. 

2.    One such important arteries are coronary arteries which lie on the surface of the heart and is responsible for bringing oxygenated blood to the myocardium (heart muscles). When this particular artery gets blocked, the oxygen supply to the heart is reduced.

There are basically two types of blockage in the arteries: slow blockage and complete blockage, and both are named on their behavorial pattern. 

Slow Blockage: This kind of blockage develops slowly and blocks a few parts of the artery. In general, it results in severe heart pain or angina because the heart is not getting enough oxygen.

Complete Blockage: This second pattern completely blocks the arteries and stops the flow of oxygen to the heart muscles leading the heart muscle cells to die. This type of blockage develops quickly and lead to myocardial infarction, or heart attack.

3.    Another major problem is atherosclerosis which involves partial or complete blockage due to cholesterol. In this case, a plaque starts to deposit on the inner walls of the coronary arteries which further bulge into the large branches of the two main coronary arteries and restrict the ability of blood to flow through them. 

Contact heart bypass surgeon in Delhi and India as soon as these symptoms start to show up themselves.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Top Risks Involved In Coronary Bypass Surgery

Coronary bypass surgery is one of the most time taking surgeries to treat heart attacks and angina. These are basically caused due to the blockages in the arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the heart. In this operation, the surgeon attaches another blood vessel from the different part of the body to the diseased heart artery. This helps in rerouting the blood to the heart. Now it all depends on the number of diseased arteries and valves which further require a double, triple or quadruple bypass. These surgeries claim various benefits and low post-op risks but there are some cases in which some major negative consequences have been noted. Till date, 95% of mass haven’t experienced any kind of serious complications. To avoid further negative consequences, it is advised to opt for best surgeon for heart bypass surgery in Delhi.

Let’s see some of the top risks that are involved:

1.    In 30% of cases, bleeding or wound has been noted from the site of grafting or operation. An approximate 30% of patients require blood transfusions after the surgery. In very rare cases, it has gone severely.

2.    After this type of bypass surgery, the patient may experience heart rhythm problems in which the upper chambers of the heart quiver rather than beating. This may also lead to blood clots in the heart chambers.

3.    These blood clots may cause to further cardiac arrest or lung problems.

4.    Infection at the incision site is the most common issue that arises from any kind of surgery.

5.    Post-pericardiotomy syndrome, in which chest pain and fever is a common symptom.

6.    Temporary kidney failure may happen after coronary bypass surgery. Opt for best doctors for coronary bypass surgery in Gurgaon and India to avoid this mishap.

7.    One may also experience temporary dementia.

8.    Some patients are allergic to anaesthesia and thus their body elements get reacted to them (used at the time of surgery). This may cause breathing problem in patients.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What is the obesity surgery for weight loss?

If you have a BMI of 40 or more then you are categorized as an obese person. Obesity causes immobility and can be a major deterrent in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Obese people are also prone to many health disorders such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, severe sleep apnea, or high cholesterol which can cause major disturbance in normal life. This is why, when you find yourself on the high end of the BMI scale, you should consult a doctor and maintain a strict diet chart. But in certain instances, when the matter gets far worse, the doctor in Delhi would suggest obesity surgery. The good thing about obesity surgery is: it is a long term solution.

But before you start seeking advice about the obesity surgery in Delhi; let us inform you there are many types of such surgeries available to the patients nowadays. Broadly there are three types of surgical options (based on the effect) such as Restrictive (Gastric Banding, Sleeve Gastrectomy), Malabsorptive (Gastric Bypass Surgery, Biliopancreatic Diversion), and Implanting electrical device (Maestro Rechargeable System). Out of this Gastric Bypass surgery is the most widely used surgical cure for most cases of obesity. Doctors would suggest a surgical process for you based on the medical history and health condition.

Before taking a final decision on obesity surgery in Delhi, it is important that a thorough research is conducted. Hasty decisions regarding the healthcare facility may lead to certain complications and elongated cure times. This is why you should take a look at the suggestions from Surgivisor. The website contains a large list of the best doctors for obesity surgery in Delhi. Use the services of Surgivisor and get the best medical cure for your problem with obesity.  

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Facts Of Liposuction That You Might Not Know

Liposuction or simply called lipo is a general medical term of fat reduction surgery. In nutshell, the term means breaking or sucking up a considerable amount of fat from the body. The term is also widely known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, lipectomy, and lipo. In general, liposuction is done at the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and backs of the arms and calves. Nowadays, this surgery has picked up such a rage amongst the urbane population that almost 2 people out of 50 are appearing for this treatment. Do you know why? Thanks to high technology, that men and women got totally dependent on machines and for the reason, people have developed a tendency of getting fat deposition. And if anyone who desires to get a healthy body shape, they appear for lipo surgery.

What It Actually Does?

When someone gains weight, size and volume both get affected and so the fat cells. Where liposuction sucks out the density of fatty cells in a particular area. The amount of suction is decided after thorough checkup of your body and the volume of fat is to be removed. The result will remain constant as long as your weight is constant. It is noted that after liposuction the body contours change at the treated area(s). It all depends on your skin tone and elasticity which will, therefore, affect the aftermath. For example; after liposuction, toned skin will look smooth and tight.

Liposuction doesn't make improvisations in dimpling or another type of cellulite irregularities or remove stretch marks. A good health is a must before opting for liposuction because it involves complicated surgery and best liposuction surgery hospitals in Delhi, NCR and India are recommended to avoid any kind of mishaps.

Things To Be Avoided After & Before Lipo Surgery:

1.    Avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs
2.    It is advised to stop taking contraceptive pills for women
3.    Anaemic patients will be needed to take iron supplements

Types Of Liposuction Surgeries:

1. Tumescent liposuction - Under this category, the fat is to be sucked out by small suction tubes (microcannulas).
2. Dry liposuction - As its name suggests that there is no fluid used in this type of liposuction before the removal of fat. There is a higher risk of bruising and bleeding.
3. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction - In this option, a highly energised cannula with ultrasound is inserted which makes the fat meltdown on contact. And the same thing makes the suction easier.
4. Power-assisted liposuction (PAS) - This is almost similar to UAL but here immense force is used to and the cannula is moved in forth and backwards direction to throw away the excessive fatty lipids.
5. Laser Assisted Lipolysis (LAL) - This lipo treatment uses tumescent fluid to get out that fat. The cannula delivers laser energy and heats up subcutaneous fat and the excessive fat will drain out from the incision. 

Visit for the best doctorsfor liposuction surgery in Delhi to get optimum results and always take a thorough knowledge of the process before opting it out.

Monday, 6 March 2017

How to find the best doctors for pacemaker surgery in Delhi?

Pacemaker surgery is essential for patients who are suffering from Arrhythmias or irregularity in heartbeat. Heart pumps blood which is circulated to various parts of the body. When the heartbeat is too quick or slow, it can lead to many complications. Of course, when you are suffering from such a condition the doctor you are consulting would firstly try to cure the problem with medication. But if this is not improving your condition, then he/she might recommend certain tests. If the tests show an advanced stage of Arrhythmia then you need to see one of the best doctors for pacemaker surgery in Delhi.  

But how do you choose the best doctor from the rest of the lot? Well, you can use the conventional approach and seek guidance from the family doctor or take recommendations from friends and relatives. Or you can take the matter into your hand, and research well. To research you of course need a website or app that has arranged all the important information for you. Surgivisor is your go-to at such times. If the doctor is aligned to a hospital, you also need to check the facilities (for your kind of case) at the relevant hospital. Again, Surgivisor will help you with information about all reputed hospitals for pacemaker surgery in Delhi. 

Apart from this, if you have any doubts or need some professional level advice for the treatment choices, you can mail us or request a call back. The professionals at Surgivisor would be glad to clear all the doubts and help you make the perfect decision regarding doctors, hospitals for pacemaker surgery in Delhi.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

What is the coronary bypass surgery?

When you are feeling abnormal chest pains, breathlessness and a sense of fatigue it means there is a deficit of oxygen rich blood in your arteries. Coronary bypass surgery is the best way to treat blocked arteries and allow the passage of oxygen rich blood through them. In this procedure, the diseased artery (partially or completely blocked) is replaced by a healthy blood vessel taken from another part of the body. Continuing life with blocked arteries can expose you to many fatal conditions. So, when the consulting best surgeon for open heart surgery, it should be done without much delay. 

But one of the leading problems with such a surgery is that it is quite a costly proposition for the patients. Performed by only the highly specialized surgeons at selected healthcare facilities, the cost of coronary bypass surgery in Delhi can range between 2-3 lakhs in most scenarios. While if you get the surgery done without any prior research, the costs could be even higher. This is why comparing the costs as well as not sacrificing with healthcare is important before taking the final decision about the coronary bypass surgery.

For a long time now, patients did not have the luxury of getting important healthcare information and cost estimates from a reputed online source. Surgivisor, with the app and website, has filled that void aptly. Now, you can not only see the cost of coronary bypass surgery in Delhi from leading hospitals, but also read about their in house surgeons and their expertise.